Stop Compromising Your Sleep Because Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Is Dangerous

Do you wake up with headaches or experience bad snoring? If you are not breathing properly at night, there is a good chance you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious medical condition that compromises your sleep — and your health. Dr. Nicholas Rallis, our experienced dentist in Queens, has helped many patients with sleep apnea restore their sleep routine with dental interventions and lifestyle changes. We are here to help you do the same. Read our patient reviews to see how effective our sleep apnea treatment plans can be.

Smiling handsome guy with satchel
What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition experienced by millions of Americans characterized by frequent pauses in breath or reduced airflow during sleep. Many individuals with sleep apnea stop breathing for a period of time while asleep, are awakened just long enough to begin breathing again, and then continue the cycle of interrupted breathing patterns. These incidences of disrupted breath can cause a poor night’s sleep as well as heavy stress on the body that often results in daytime symptoms. While sleep apnea is often caused by excessive relaxation of the oral tissues in the throat and nasal passages (obstructive sleep apnea), some patients may have a rarer form of the condition called central sleep apnea. In this case, sleep apnea is caused by the brain failing to send the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. Some individuals may even experience a mixture of both obstructive and central sleep apnea, a case known as complex or “mixed” sleep apnea. No matter the cause of your symptoms, Dr. Rallis can develop a personalized treatment plan to help you treat your sleep apnea and achieve a healthy night’s sleep.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Many warning signs of a more serious condition such as OSA are easy to ignore. Loud snoring is often written off, but it could be a red flag that the individual is having problems breathing while sleeping. Common symptoms and warning signs include:

  • Choking or gasping for air
  • Loud breathing
  • Bouts of insomnia
  • Pauses in breathing while sleeping
  • Morning headaches or migraines
  • Daytime drowsiness and fatigue
What Are the Risks of Sleep Apnea?

“Obstructive sleep apnea is destroying the health of millions of Americans…”

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Not being able to enjoy a good night’s rest can compromise your daily life and affect your mood. Side effects of these interruptions in sleep can include depression, mood swings, weight gain, irritability and fatigue.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has discovered many patients with sleep apnea suffer from serious medical conditions if the problem is left untreated. This is why early intervention is key.

Not being able to enjoy a good night’s rest can compromise your daily life and affect your mood. Side effects of these interruptions in sleep can include depression, mood swings, weight gain, irritability and fatigue.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has discovered many patients with sleep apnea suffer from serious medical conditions if the problem is left untreated. This is why early intervention is key.

Systemic issues and health problems associated with sleep apnea include:

  • Changes in the brain (neurological problems)
  • Impaired cognition and mood
  • Cardiac arrest and shock
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
What Are My Sleep Apnea Treatment Options?

There are a number of ways that can help decrease the incidence of interrupted breathing during sleep. The most effective treatment option for your sleep apnea will depend on your physiology and situation, but many patients’ symptoms can be improved through use of a special sleep apnea mouth guard. Dr. Rallis often prescribes a custom-designed oral appliance that can treat your sleep apnea more effectively than the one-size-fits-all oral appliances found over-the-counter. This personalized device is intended to open up the passageways from which oxygen can flow so that the over-relaxation of oral tissue does not disrupt breathing.

Dr. Rallis will work with you to develop a course of treatment that can effectively treat your sleep apnea according to your unique symptoms and concerns. His tailored approaches have been very successful in helping men and women achieve a restful night’s sleep with a more regulated breathing pattern.

Make sure you are getting the good night’s rest you deserve. Stop losing sleep from sleep apnea by scheduling your appointment with Dr. Rallis today.

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